
Client | Olmsted Outwear

Creative Director | Patrick Chaubet

Director | Tim Georgeson

DOP | Antoine Ryan

Model Agency | Folio Society 
Producer | Richard Ostiguy
Editor | Paul Jutras 
Music | Merewenn Nero 
Colour Grading | Simon Boissonneaux

Model | Justine Delsaut 
Model | Josh Sainjour

Olmsted is a brand of winter parkas founded by designer Mélanie Ellezam. It positions itself as a luxury brand, with a noble commitment towards the most sustainable production possible. Our mission was to do justice to the company’s philosophy and to provide a comprehensive description of the products from various angles to generate interest among potential consumers.

Each piece had its role to play in the mix media campaign. We therefore had to produce a range of videos of varying lengths, as well as numerous photos to propel the company’s website, newsletters and social media accounts.

MOM’s flexibility and ability to bring together diverse talents for a project in an agile manner allowed us to deliver a high quality integrated solution while respecting the budget constraints of the small business.

Alive and warm