David Hicks

Every comedian will tell you that the secret to good comedy is timing – which perhaps explains why David Hicks’ work is so funny, considering he began his career as one of Canada’s most renowned commercial editors. But with a keen eye for casting, a subtle touch with performances, and an eye for composition, David has shown that his comedy goes well beyond a perfectly structured edit.

His work for such world-renowned brands as Bud Light, Budweiser, McDonald’s, Labatt Breweries of Canada, Pepsi-Cola, General Motors, Coca-Cola, the Bank of Montreal, the New Brunswick Family and Community Services, Anheuser-Busch, and many others have established his legacy as a highly demanded director. David’s work has earned many industry accolades including Cannes Lions, Clio’s and Bessie’s. When not on set, David also relishes the opportunities that his kitchen provides. He’s as talented with a frying pan as he is with a camera.

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